Sunday, April 29, 2018

New York Bakery Texas Toast Garlic version and 5 Cheese version

New York Bakery Texas Toast Garlic version and 5 Cheese version

What Is It: Frozen Texas Toast. Boxes come with 8 pieces. The garlic comes with well just garlic and the 5 cheese has it melted on there (well it will be after you bake it) along with garlic.

Packaging: They both come in elegant yellow boxes with big pictures of the product on it and the toast looks darn good. Good box.

Taste/Final Analysis: This is good take on this. They are very heavy handed with the garlic but that's a good thing with a good Texas Toast. The cheese added a lot to it too although I think they added a ton more garlic to the 5 cheese one. These are perfect with an Italian dinner or just eat them straight up as a snack. I like these but you better have some mints on hand afterward.

7 out of 10

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