Thursday, April 12, 2018

Candy Buttons

Candy Buttons

What Is It: A very old school, traditional candy it is white strips of paper covered with different colours of sugar candy buttons. Pink, yellow, green, and blue are included.

Packaging: The packaging itself is not much but it's the presentation of the actual candy that is appealing. It doesn't matter rather you choose to roll them up or stretch out the paper they look really cool either way. 

9 out of 10

Taste/Final Analysis: At the end of the day these are as simple as it gets. It's just little sugary pieces but yet they do taste subtly different with each colour. It's not flavours like cherry or watermelon or anything like that but I do believe there are slight differences between the colours (there's always the chance that my tongue is playing tricks on me too.) Anyway sometimes simple is better and this is an old favourite that holds up well today.

7 out of 10

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