Monday, April 9, 2018

Laffy Taffy Jellybeans

Laffy Taffy Jellybeans

What Is It: Easter jellybeans made from the popular candy Laffy Taffy. Included are pink for cherry, yellow for banana, green for apple, and purple for grape. No corny jokes like on the original which is sad.

Packaging: It comes in a cool multi coloured bag with a clear spot to see the jellybeans. I like it.

7 out of 10

Taste/Final Analysis: The flavours are all true to the Laffy Taffy candy with cherry being my favourite as with most candy. Unfortunately since they're jellybeans it loses its "taffyness" which is large part of what I like about Laffy Taffy. The flavours while true to the original are not that unique like say Starburst or SweetTart. Not bad but nothing really worth going out of your way for here.

5 out of 10

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