Sunday, April 29, 2018

New York Bakery Texas Toast Garlic version and 5 Cheese version

New York Bakery Texas Toast Garlic version and 5 Cheese version

What Is It: Frozen Texas Toast. Boxes come with 8 pieces. The garlic comes with well just garlic and the 5 cheese has it melted on there (well it will be after you bake it) along with garlic.

Packaging: They both come in elegant yellow boxes with big pictures of the product on it and the toast looks darn good. Good box.

Taste/Final Analysis: This is good take on this. They are very heavy handed with the garlic but that's a good thing with a good Texas Toast. The cheese added a lot to it too although I think they added a ton more garlic to the 5 cheese one. These are perfect with an Italian dinner or just eat them straight up as a snack. I like these but you better have some mints on hand afterward.

7 out of 10

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Ritz Bits Cheese

Ritz Bits Cheese

What Is It: Cracker sandwiches with cheese in the middle.

Packaging: It comes in the normal Ritz red box with lots of cool cracker artwork on it. Pretty good effort.

7 out of 10

Taste/Final Analysis: You know there are more exciting snacks out there but this is very time tested one. The great buttery flavour that you love in a Ritz cracker with a sharp cheese center. I like to put some port wine cheese spread on it to make it even better. Still as is this is a dependable, safe snack.

6 out of 10

Monday, April 23, 2018

Snyder's Pretzel Dips Hershey's White Creme

Snyder's Pretzel Dips Hershey's White Creme

What Is It: Basically a variation of the white yogurt covered hard pretzels only covered with Hershey's White Creme.

Packaging: It comes in an elegant looking bag with a large product picture on it. It sold me.

8 out of 10

Taste/Final Analysis: Since I love yogurt covered hard pretzels I figured I would like this and I was correct. It was very similar to the yogurt one's but it did have a rich creaminess that made this unique. Of course the salty pretzel finished it off perfectly. This is definitely sweet and salty done right.

9 out of 10

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Little Debbie Marshmallow Puffs

Little Debbie Marshmallow Puffs

What Is It: A chocolate cake with marshmallow and is covered with white chocolate and topped with sprinkles.

Packaging: Well it's the usual Little Debbie snazzy looking box with the blue background and big pictures of the snacks. Little Debbie has better looking boxes out there but this one's not bad.

6 out of 10

Taste/Final Analysis: This was kind of a letdown for me. I love all of the ingredients that are involved in making this snack but somehow this didn't work for me. I think the marshmallow was kind of misused here. I think they went a little heavy with the marshmallow and a little light with the cake. It would have been better with a little more balance. The white chocolate was kind of lost here too as it didn't have a ton of flavour like white chocolate usually has. I'd have to say take a pass on this one.

3 out of 10

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Soy Vay Spicy And Sweet Chili Heat Sauce

Soy Vay Spicy And Sweet Chili Heat Sauce

What Is It: A sauce or marinade with Chinese sweet and spicy flavour.

Packaging: It comes in a bottle with a cool looking dragon on the label. For that reason it's cool.

Cool Looking Dragon Out Of 10

Taste/Final Analysis: This was a really good sauce. I did it both ways (I bought a weeks worth of frozen chicken breasts so I really got the full potential of this sauce). While dipping the chicken in it was good, the marinade was where it was at. Such great heat and it has the slow build which I always appreciate. Starts with the sweet and finishes with a sizzle. Great product here.

9 out of 10

Thursday, April 12, 2018

Candy Buttons

Candy Buttons

What Is It: A very old school, traditional candy it is white strips of paper covered with different colours of sugar candy buttons. Pink, yellow, green, and blue are included.

Packaging: The packaging itself is not much but it's the presentation of the actual candy that is appealing. It doesn't matter rather you choose to roll them up or stretch out the paper they look really cool either way. 

9 out of 10

Taste/Final Analysis: At the end of the day these are as simple as it gets. It's just little sugary pieces but yet they do taste subtly different with each colour. It's not flavours like cherry or watermelon or anything like that but I do believe there are slight differences between the colours (there's always the chance that my tongue is playing tricks on me too.) Anyway sometimes simple is better and this is an old favourite that holds up well today.

7 out of 10

Monday, April 9, 2018

Laffy Taffy Jellybeans

Laffy Taffy Jellybeans

What Is It: Easter jellybeans made from the popular candy Laffy Taffy. Included are pink for cherry, yellow for banana, green for apple, and purple for grape. No corny jokes like on the original which is sad.

Packaging: It comes in a cool multi coloured bag with a clear spot to see the jellybeans. I like it.

7 out of 10

Taste/Final Analysis: The flavours are all true to the Laffy Taffy candy with cherry being my favourite as with most candy. Unfortunately since they're jellybeans it loses its "taffyness" which is large part of what I like about Laffy Taffy. The flavours while true to the original are not that unique like say Starburst or SweetTart. Not bad but nothing really worth going out of your way for here.

5 out of 10

Sunday, April 8, 2018

A1 Thick And Hearty Steak Sauce

A1 Thick And Hearty Steak Sauce

What Is It: A variation of their famous steak sauce this on a little thicker than the original and has a bit more zip to make it "hearty" I guess.

Packaging:  It comes in the regular A1 bottle with little difference from the original other than it saying "Thick And Hearty". Eh.
4 out of 10

Taste/Final Analysis: This was a pretty good take on the A1 sauce. It doesn't deviate from the original much other than them making it thicker and a little bit spicier. I like to use it on a cheeseburger or as a dipping sauce for fries. I don't think it overtakes the A1 Bold as my favorute steak sauce (I like spice. What can I say?) but is definitely a worthy purchase. Thumbs up.
7 out of 10

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Robin's Eggs

Robin's Eggs

What Is It: The bag says malted milk candy in a crunchy shell. They pretty them up for Easter.

Packaging: For all of the effort they put into making the candy look cool the bag is pretty ho humm. Yellow bag with writing on it. Boring.

3 out of 10

Taste/Final Analysis: Well as malted milk balls go these are pretty par for the course. Since these are made by Whoppers that's exactly what you're eating. I can eat these in very small doses before I get tired of them but that's more of a personal thing. It's a decent enough Easter candy and looks pretty in an Easter basket.

6 out of 10