Tuesday, June 28, 2016




Each package contains an assortment of pastel colors, including white, yellow, pink, green, purple, and orange. The flavor of each color is as follows; white is orange cream, yellow is pineapple, pink is cherry, green is strawberry, purple is grape, and orange is orange.

Packaging: Yellow packaging with the logo written on it a lot. Pretty basic stuff. 

5 out of 10

Taste/ Final Analysis: Smarties are another thing I relate to watching a newscast in that you get what you think you're going to get but it's just so boring. While there are differences in the flavours between the colours they're very subtle and not easily noticeable. I think I like the pink the best but more often than not I just stuff a handful of various colours in my mouth and see what happens. A very inexpensive, simple candy but if you're looking for bold flavours you probably should look elsewhere. Good to take to work or on the go. 

5.1 out  of 10

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