Thursday, June 30, 2016

Goldfish Grahams Cookies And Cream

Goldfish Grahams Cookies And Cream

What Is It: Goldfish shaped cookies with bits of cream on them.

Packaging:  It comes in a nice blue bag with a picture of a drawn goldfish and a cookie with cream on it. 

6.5 out of 10

Taste/ Final Analysis: This was a decent variation of the sweet Goldfish variation. The cookies all tasted proper but I got next to no cream flavour at all. If you're going to advertise cookies and cream than you need to have both elements. What you end up with is a bag of slightly above average cookies. Not bad but definitely not worth going out of your way for. 

4.5 out of 10

Tuesday, June 28, 2016




Each package contains an assortment of pastel colors, including white, yellow, pink, green, purple, and orange. The flavor of each color is as follows; white is orange cream, yellow is pineapple, pink is cherry, green is strawberry, purple is grape, and orange is orange.

Packaging: Yellow packaging with the logo written on it a lot. Pretty basic stuff. 

5 out of 10

Taste/ Final Analysis: Smarties are another thing I relate to watching a newscast in that you get what you think you're going to get but it's just so boring. While there are differences in the flavours between the colours they're very subtle and not easily noticeable. I think I like the pink the best but more often than not I just stuff a handful of various colours in my mouth and see what happens. A very inexpensive, simple candy but if you're looking for bold flavours you probably should look elsewhere. Good to take to work or on the go. 

5.1 out  of 10

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Starburst Favereds

Starburst Favereds

What Is It: This offshoot of the regular version of Starburst features all red flavours including the cherry and strawberry from the original and adds watermelon and fruit punch specific for the Favereds.

Packaging: This mostly looks like the original Starburst package accept with pink ends on it. I would have thought they could have went to a little more effort to make this package more unique but it didn't happen.

4 out of 10

Taste/ Final Analysis: Red is my favourite of most candies so this was an easy pick up for me. The fruit punch was my favourite which is saying something as much as I like cherry Starburst. The punch just has such a great cherrylike flavour with a punch of citrus just makes it an epic bite every time. The cherry was my second favourite as Starburst has a very strong cherry flavour.  The strawberry and watermelon were pretty similar with the strawberry being slightly better in my opinion.  All in all if you want some tasty, juicy red candy than go with these.

8.5 out of 10

Friday, June 24, 2016

Lance Variety Pack Crackers And Lance Peanut Butter And Honey Crackers

Lance Variety Pack Crackers And Lance Peanut Butter And Honey Crackers

What Is It: The variety pack comes with 2 packs each of cream cheese and chives wafers,  whole grain cheddar cheese crackers, toasty peanut butter cracker sandwiches,  and Toast Chee peanut butter cheese cracker sandwiches. The peanut butter and honey crackers came with 8 packs of guess what? Peanut Butter and honey crackers. 

Packaging:  Both came in rather plain boxes one of them blue the other tan. Boring but it held the crackers. 

4 out of 10

Taste/ Final Analysis: I'll start with the peanut butter and honey ones. They definitely put a lot of honey on there as that was the dominant flavour for me. Not bad but could have balanced it out with a little more peanut butter. Have milk ready for sure. The variety pack had two peanut butter variations with the one on the cheese cracker being slightly better I think. The whole grain cheese cracker wasn't bad but it was hard to taste the cheese through that very strong grain flavour. My favourite of this bunch was the cream cheese and chives ones. Very good blend of chive and cream cheese flavour with the cracker playing the role of a blank canvas for the filling.  All in all despite my preferences there isn't a bad flavour of cracker here and these are perfect for taking for lunch or on the go.

6.5 out of 10

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Mike And Ike's Sour-lucious Fruit Punch Flavoured Candy

Mike And Ike's Sour-lucious Fruit Punch Flavoured Candy

What Is It: Sour version of Mike And Ike's candy. This one is sour fruit punch flavours and comes with sour cherry, sour citrus, sour watermelon, sour green apple,  and sour raspberry. Do you sense a theme? 

Packaging: This is a very colourful box with the box being mostly pink with some splashes of other colours along with pictures of the fruits represented here. Really cool.

9 out of 10

Taste/ Final Analysis: This is a great example of sour candy done right. Lots of different fruity flavours to play with here and each one a delicious sour variation of the fruits. The sour cherry is my favourite mostly becauseof my love of cherry but every one of these is delicious. Definitely worth a dollar at Dollar Tree.

10 out of 10

Saturday, June 18, 2016

Red Lobster Cheddar Biscuits In A Box

Red Lobster Cheddar Biscuits In A Box

What Is It: The do it yourself version of the famous Red Lobster Cheddar Biscuits. 

Packaging: The box certainly draws you in with its black background and huge appetizing looking biscuits on it. No mistaking what this is.

9.5 out of 10

Taste/ Final Analysis: 

I don't know anybody that doesn't love these at Red Lobster so I couldn't resist picking this up. It takes a bit of preparation as any biscuit mix does as in mixing and such. I'd say in total it takes about 10 minutes of actual preparation  (not counting the cook time where you don't have to do anything). The finished product is not far off what you get in the restaurant. The fact that you can as much or as little garlic butter as you like works in its favour too. At the end of the day if you want to enjoy these delicious biscuits and can't afford an expensive dinner at Red Lobster should pick these up.

9.5 out of 10

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Switzer's Lemonade Twists

Switzer's Lemonade Twists

What Is It: A  lemonade flavoured twist.

Packaging: It comes in a bright yellow package with a lemon on the bottom. Looks appropriate for what they're selling.

7 out of 10

Taste/ Final Analysis: This was something I picked up at Dollar Tree so there is only a dollars worth of expense here. It had a decent amount of lemon flavour here. I'm not really a fan of Twizzlers because I think they have no flavour and are just very plastic like (I'll have to review those at some point to see if I still feel that way) but these didn't totally escape that problem. It does have enough flavour though to justify spending a buck on a pacl of these. Just don't expect your mouth to be puckering from lemon flavour here.

4 out of 10

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Minute Maid Lite Lemonade

Minute Maid Light  Lemonade

What Is It: A diet lemonade made with aspartame instead of sugar. 

Packaging: Both the box and the can have a big picture of a half a lemon on there. Pretty cool and I like the silver can too.

7.5 out of 10

Taste/ Final Analysis: The first thing that I'll say is like I said in my product description this is made with aspartame so anybody that has a problem with that should avoid this product. From a taste standpoint I think it tastes pretty good. It's very lemony although there is something that differentiates from standard lemonade that I can't quite put my finger on (maybe the carbonation). Also almost every 12 pack of these I get seems to have at least one can that is deformed so bad that I can't even drink it. I don't know if it has something to do with the drink itself or what but I rarely have that happen with any other canned product. All in allI like the taste but there's a lot of drawbacks so purchase with caution. 

4.5 out of 10

Monday, June 13, 2016

Gatorade Fruit Punch

Gatorade Fruit Punch

What Is It: A fruit punch flavoured sports drink.

Packaging: Gatorade bottles look different than everyday bottles. It just has a unique shape as well as the signature Gatorade lightning bolt looking thing. The bottles are always clear so you can see the colour of whatever flavour Gatorade you have in this case red. Looks good.

7.5 out of 10

Taste/ Final Analysis: This is the flavour of Gatorade I get the most. It has a good punchy flavour but it doesn't overdo it either. It's just a very refreshing beverage. When I'm really thirsty this is what I really crave. I'm working my way through all the flavours of Gatorade but this is currently my favourite. 

8 out of 10

Saturday, June 11, 2016

Starburst Jellybeans

Starburst Jellybeans

What Is It: Jellybeans with flavours from Starburst candy. They have cherry, strawberry, orange, lemon, grape, and green apple ; the latter two not being traditional Starburst flavours but are included anyway.

Packaging: The bag is coloured the same shade of yellow as a traditional Starburst package and has lots of pictures of jellybeans and fruit which work here.

7.5 out of 10

Taste/ Final Analysis: This is my current favourite jellybeans by far right now. They are generally sold in mass around Easter and I bought several bags so that's why I'm just now posting this. Anyway the flavours are all very true to their Starburst that they're patterned after. The cherry is my favourite followed by the orange and lemon. I'm not sure why they included the green apple and grape flavours here as they are not included in a traditional Starburst package. They taste like pretty standard grape and green apple. The strawberry is middle of the road. All in all though a great take on jellybeans and I strongly recommend it especially if you like Starburst. 

8 out of 10

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Little Debbie Donut Sticks

Little Debbie Donut Sticks

What Is It: A box of individually wrapped glazed donut sticks. 

Packaging: It essentially has a picture of two donut sticks across the entire front of the box. Certainly lets the product do the talking.

7 out of 10

Taste/ Final Analysis: This isn't one of Little Debbie's flashier products but it doesn't have to be. It's just a box of no frills, delicious glazed donuts shaped like sticks. These are perfect for dipping into milk or coffee. Great for a small bite for breakfast or packing into your lunch. 

7.5 out of 10

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Tombstone 5 Cheese Pizza

Tombstone 5 Cheese Pizza

What Is It: A frozen pizza that comes with mozzarella, cheddar, parmesean, asiago, and romano cheeses.

Packaging: Tombstone always uses pictures of their pizzas for their presentation and it's convinced me more than once to buy a pizza including this time so high marks here.
9.5 out of 10

Taste/ Final Analysis: I'm a huge fan of Tombstone Pizzas and this one didn't change my mind. A wonderful blend of cheeses that really explode with flavour. The cheddar and the parmesean stood out the most to me. They were way to heavy handed with the sauce here which took away from the awesome cheese flavour some but not all the way. Normally I prefer pizzas loaded with meats but this meatless version certainly satisfied me. Just have some napkins ready.
7.5 out of 10

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Swedish Fish

Swedish Fish

What Is It: Cherry flavoured,  fish shaped, gummy candy.

Packaging: It comes in a bright yellow box with a picture of a red fish on it. Good enough. 

6 out of 10

Taste/ Final Analysis:  I'm a big fan of gummy candy as well as cherry flavoured stuff so in theory this should be my favourite candy in the world. Well it falls well short of that. The texture is right but I feel like it lacks in cherry flavour. I can taste some cherry but it's almost like it's combined with a strawberry flavour. I'm not sure if that's what they were going for but that's what I taste. It's not terrible but it's not epic either.

5 out of 10

Friday, June 3, 2016

Wild Joe's Hot Style Beef Jerky

Wild Joe's Hot Style Beef Jerky

What Is It: The title says it all. 

Packaging: A red package with a cool logo certainly does the product justice. 

7 out of 10

Taste/Final Analysis: This is one of my favourite beef jerkys out there. It has a great spicy flavour to it that will get even the spiciest tongues attention. It has great texture as well as long as you don't get an overly dry pack. It is also a little on the pricey side.  But to me it's worth it.

8 out of 10

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Sunny Delight

Sunny Delight

What Is It: Orange juice looking drink that isn't really orange juice but is kinda citrus flavoured.

Packaging: Very vibrant colours and distinctive looking bottle. Pretty cool.
8 out of 10

Taste/Final Analysis:  The first thing I'll say is despite the way this looks this is not orange juice at all. It tastes kinda similar but is a ton sweeter. Also if you're looking for the health benefits of orange juice or any other health benefits then you wont find them here. It's very refreshing on a hot summer day though so if you want a cool drink and don't care that you're drinking a ton of sugar then this is for you. 

7 out of 10