Sunday, January 8, 2017

Pillsbury Toaster Scramble Bacon

Pillsbury Toaster Scramble Bacon

What Is It: Cheese, bacon, and eggs in a pastry crust.

Packaging: Definitely a nice looking box with lots of colours and a big picture of the product front and center. Looks really good. 

9 out of 10

Taste/ Final Analysis: This is a really good concept. A breakfast you can just pop in the toaster and you're good to go. The combination of bacon, cheese, and eggs in the crispy pastry (well after it's toasted) make for a delicious snack-fest. You do have to make sure they get cooked all the way through or you're going to get a very undesirable bite of cold eggs. However as long as you cook it through it's really good for breakfast or a snack. 

8 out of 10

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