Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Benton's Vanilla Wafers

Benton's Vanilla Wafers

What Is It: Vanilla flavoured rectangular wafer cookies that I got at Aldi (Benton's is one oftheir store brands.)

Packaging: Not very extravagant but the yellow wrapper gets the point across that your eating a vanilla product and they have a picture of the cookies on there too.

6 out of 10

Taste/ Final Analysis: This was a very inexpensive purchase  (it cost a dollar and some change) and for that you get a lot of cookies. Lots of vanilla flavour here as you would expect. I like the packs of these that come with the strawberry and chocolate ones as well because with all of that vanilla flavour it's very easy to get tired of eating these. But alas I got what I got and these aren't bad in small doses. 

5.5 out of 10

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