Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Kroger Chipolte Cheddar And Habenero Jack Cheese Sticks

Kroger Chipotle Cheddar  And Habenero Jack Cheese Sticks

What Is It: Flavoured cold cheese stick snacks.

What Is It: It's about as generic of package as it gets. Very boring. 

4 out of 10

Taste/ Final Analysis: Well the first thing I'll say is this is very reasonably priced.  12 good sized cheese sticks for $3.50 is a good deal. I prefer the white habenero sticks to the orange chipolte ones. Even though it's habenero it's not going to burn you up or anything. It just adds a nice kick to the cheese. The chipolte sticks are kinda wierd. They're not terrible or anything but it's got kind of a strange,  unexplainable flavour to it. On the bitter side I'd say. Definitely worth getting for the white ones but you'd be better off to try to find a pack of just the white one's. Thumbs squarely in the middle for this.

5 out of 10

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