Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Sabra Red Pepper Hummus And Kroger Tortilla Chips

Sabra Red Pepper Hummus And Kroger Tortilla Chips

What Is It: These items are pretty self explanatory. 

Packaging: The chips come in yellow and orange bag with a guy in the shadows holding an ear of corn on it. Looks pretty darn good for a bag of plain tortilla chips. Sabra's hummus products all come in a really nice tub with a red lid which ensures easy storage without the product going bad.

8 out of 10 for the chips and 10 out of 10 for the hummus. 

Taste/ Final Analysis: There's not much to be said about tortilla chips. They were thickand good for what they are. The hummus had good flavour. They had the red pepper mainly on top but they had bits of it throughout. I do wish they had a lot more of that red pepper to mix in there as there was a to more hummus than red pepper. Still a pretty good product. 

Tortilla Chips: 6 out of 10

Hummus: 6 out of 10 (double the red pepper in there!)

Monday, January 30, 2017

Take 5

Take 5

What Is It: It's a chocolate bar filled with pretzel, peanut butter, peanuts, and caramel with the chocolate serving as the coating. 

Packaging: Looks kind of unique with a purple wrapper with a bit of artwork of the product and the title written large. I like it.

8 out of 10

Taste/ Final Analysis: This is fantastic candy bar. The combination of sweet and salty is really good here. There is the sweet of the chocolate,  caramel, and peanut butter balanced nicely by the saltiness of the peanuts and pretzel. The pretzel especially is welcomed here as a lot of candy bars use peanuts but not as many use pretzels. I definitely recommend this.

9 out of 10

Friday, January 27, 2017

Reese's Pieces

Reese's Pieces

What Is It: Bite sized peanut butter candies with M&M shells. 

Packaging: It comes in the traditional Reese's orange box. Pretty basic stuff.

5.5 out of 10

Taste/ Final Analysis: This is one of the classic takes of peanut butter candy. Their good straight up or in context with cookies or cakes. Very no frills but it works. I like them with a cold glass of milk.

6.5 out of 10

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Kroger Chipolte Cheddar And Habenero Jack Cheese Sticks

Kroger Chipotle Cheddar  And Habenero Jack Cheese Sticks

What Is It: Flavoured cold cheese stick snacks.

What Is It: It's about as generic of package as it gets. Very boring. 

4 out of 10

Taste/ Final Analysis: Well the first thing I'll say is this is very reasonably priced.  12 good sized cheese sticks for $3.50 is a good deal. I prefer the white habenero sticks to the orange chipolte ones. Even though it's habenero it's not going to burn you up or anything. It just adds a nice kick to the cheese. The chipolte sticks are kinda wierd. They're not terrible or anything but it's got kind of a strange,  unexplainable flavour to it. On the bitter side I'd say. Definitely worth getting for the white ones but you'd be better off to try to find a pack of just the white one's. Thumbs squarely in the middle for this.

5 out of 10

Monday, January 23, 2017

Pixy Stix

Pixy Stix

What Is It: Powdered tart flavoured candy. It comes in grape, cherry, orange, and Maui punch.

Packaging: It comes in a pink bag. The candy itself comes in paper stick shaped wrappers all of which are coloured according to flavour. All looks good. 

8 out of 10

Taste/ Final Analysis: I will start by stating the obvious. This is one of the most unhealthy things you could possibly eat. Your basically ingesting pure sugar straightaway. Now that I've said that it tastes darn good. It tastes like what you would you would get if you ground up Sweet Tarts. The flavours are nearly identical. The blue Maui punch is my favourite as the sour punch taste is just awesome. The cherry for once isn't my first favourite although it's delicious and has a proper sour cherry flavour. The orange ranks next for me as it is a pretty basic but tasty sour orange and last comes grape more because I'm not a fan of grape flavoured candy then they did a bad job at it. All in all these are delicious but better not to eat them too often. 

7 out of 10

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Gatorade Fierce Grape

Gatorade Fierce Grape

What Is It: A grape flavoured sports drink. 

Packaging: Looks like every other Gatorade that I've reviewed which is not too bad. The blueish/purplish colour looks cool and is a plus. 

7 out of 10

Taste/ Final Analysis: Well the title is right as this is definitely a fierce grape flavour. If you like grape flavour then you get it here in spades. Personally I think I prefer Welch's grape juice to this but that's probably not a fair comparison as it's two totally different things really. As far as Gatorade goes I still prefer fruit punch and orange but that's a personal preference thing. If you like Gatorade and grape then definitely check this out.

6 out of 10

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Rustic Red Cheddar Cheese

Rustic Red Cheddar Cheese

What Is It: A block of cheese that I got at Aldi for  $2.50.

Packaging: Lots of red on the wrapper to sell the Rustic Red name. Good enough. 

6 out of 10

Taste/ Final Analysis: This was a really good block of cheese. It had a slightly above average amount of sharpness to it which I thought worked. As you can see by my pictures I used on a saltine with a little mustard on it which made a scrumptious snack. It would be good on a chili dog or 3 way as a topper as well. A premium block of cheese for not too expensive. I approve. 

8 out of 10

Sunday, January 15, 2017

Diet Cherry Pepsi

Diet Cherry Pepsi

What Is It: As the name would suggest it is a cherry flavoured cola drink.

Packaging: It comes in a grey box with some red on it with a cherry on it. Not bad but not too exciting either. 

5.5 out of 10

Taste/ Final Analysis: This is one of my go to soft drinks. It's a tremendous blend of cola and cherry flavours. I don't know what else to say about it other than I love to drink it. Thumbs up. 

9 out of 10

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Diet Mountain Dew Code Red

Diet Mountain Dew Code Red

What Is It: Diet cherry flavoured Mountain Dew. 

Packaging: Honestly with a cool name like "Code Red" I would have expected vibrant red colours. Instead we get a grey box and can. Boring.

2 out of 10

Taste/ Final Analysis: While the packaging may be boring the flavours certainly are not. You get punched straight away with big cherry taste. You really don't taste any Mountain Dew flavour here whatsoever. It's just a cherry explosion and that's fi e by me.

8 out of 10

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Milk Duds

Milk Duds

What Is It:  Chewy caramel coated with chocolate.

Packaging: It comes in a yellow box with just some writing on it. Understated but okay.

5.5 out of 10

Taste/ Final Analysis: These are good, classic candies. Just chocolate and caramel and you're good to go. One thing I'll say is that these are very hard on your teeth especially if they're cold. Aside from that I don't have anything to complain about with these. A good candyfor on the go.

8 out of 10

Sunday, January 8, 2017

Pillsbury Toaster Scramble Bacon

Pillsbury Toaster Scramble Bacon

What Is It: Cheese, bacon, and eggs in a pastry crust.

Packaging: Definitely a nice looking box with lots of colours and a big picture of the product front and center. Looks really good. 

9 out of 10

Taste/ Final Analysis: This is a really good concept. A breakfast you can just pop in the toaster and you're good to go. The combination of bacon, cheese, and eggs in the crispy pastry (well after it's toasted) make for a delicious snack-fest. You do have to make sure they get cooked all the way through or you're going to get a very undesirable bite of cold eggs. However as long as you cook it through it's really good for breakfast or a snack. 

8 out of 10