Saturday, July 30, 2016



What Is It:  Fruity gummy candy that comes in 5 flavours: Green which is lime, yellow which is lemon, orange which is orange  (gasp!), light red which is strawberry  (I think), and dark red which is cherry  (I know).

Packaging: Dots come in their trademark yellow box with a little picture of the Dots on the bottom.  A very recognizable candy box.

8 out of 10

Taste/ Final Analysis: This is one of my all time favourite candies. The flavours are all very easy to recognize with the exception of that light red which like I said I think is strawberry but I'm not absolutely positive of that. The lime is very limey, the lemon is very lemony, the orange is very orangey, and the cherry which is my favourite is an absolutely fantastic take on the cherry flavour. Seriously I could eat boxes and boxes of just the cherry ones. But I want to take nothing away from the other flavours which are all fantastic in theirown right. I prefer this big box as opposed to the very small one's that you often see because I like to get a good sampling of all the flavours.

9 out of 10

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