Sunday, July 10, 2016

Caramel Marshmallow Sugar Babies

Caramel Marshmallow Sugar Babies

What Is It: The box reads "delicious candy coated pieces filled with caramel and marshmallow." Can't argue with that.

Packaging: Nice baby blue box with pictures of caramel and marshmallows on it. Looks cool.

7 out of 10

Taste/ Final Analysis: This is definitely a candy for the caramel lover. Lots of caramel flavour with every bite. Despite the white colour in the candies I didn't really get any marshmallow flavour whatsoever. I liked these a lot but if you're going to advertise marshmallow flavour as a major part of your product than you have to deliver.

5.5 out of 10 (delicious but major points off for not delivering what was advertised.)

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