Thursday, March 10, 2016

Funyuns Steakhouse Onion Flavour

Funyuns Steakhouse Onion Flavour

What Is It: A snack pattered after an onion ring. This one is said to have Steakhouse Onion flavours.

Packaging: This one comes in the traditional bright yellow Funyuns bag. Despite these being the Steakhouse Onion kind there is very little to distinguish this bag from the regular Funyuns bag. They did put a picture of a bloomin onion on there though.
4.5 out of 10

Taste: Funyuns are one of my favourite snacks so I had to try out this flavour. There is a slight difference between these and the regular Funyuns but it is minimal at best. It's got a bit of a variation in they tried to give it a flavour of the batter that would be in a 'Steakhouse Onion Ring' but you really have to be looking for it. If you like Funyuns then check these out but don't expect something revolutionary.
7 out of 10 for the taste.
3 out of 10 for holding up to the advertising.

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