Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Boar's Head Premium Imported Swiss Cheese

Boar's Head Premium Imported Swiss Cheese

What Is It: Heavily promoted name brand swiss cheese that I got at the Kroger Deli.

Packaging: It came in a traditional deli plastic baggie. Good enough.
6.5 out of 10

Taste: Boar's Head has really been promoting their brand hard lately so I figured I'd give this a shot. While the meats of theirs I've tried have been stellar this was a let down for me. I had very high expectations with the 'premium imported' label and everything. What I got was very ordinary swiss cheese. I figured I would get an extra sharp swissy flavour and lots of holes like you find in great swiss cheese. I could have gotten the cheapo store brand swiss for a ton less (I paid in the neighborhood of  $10 for a pound of this) and gotten the same product. Not terrible but not what was advertised. I'll skip the Boar's Head when it comes to my swiss cheese.
2.5 out of 10

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