Thursday, March 31, 2016

Kerrygold Blarney Castle Cheese

Blarney Castle Cheese

What Is It: A ghouda style cheese imported from Ireland that I bought at Aldi.

Packaging: Very nice presentation as they have a cool picture of a lighthouse on there to go along with the nice red colour on there.
9 out of 10

Taste: As the package states this is very similar to Ghouda cheese. I think it's a little bit sharper than ghouda but not quite as sharp as it's cousin Dubliner cheese. I just cut up this block and ate it straight but it would be great on a cracker or you can shred it and put it on pasta. Definite recommendation.
9.5 out of 10

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Smuckers Strawberry Jam

Smuckers Strawberry Jam

What Is It: The title says it all.

Packaging:  Smuckers has uniquely shaped jars that are pretty cool. The label is pretty standard but all in all looks pretty good.
6.5 out of 10

Taste: I'm sure people will scream about the lack of nutritional value or whatever but I'm a big fan of Smuckers. This jam in particular is delicious. Personally I prefer jam to preserves as I don't like chewing through all the seeds and whatnot. This is perfect for spreading on toast or biscuits. It has a great strawberry flavour to it as well. This is always a good small breakfast for me.
9 out of 10

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Grippos BBQ Chips

Grippos BBQ Chips Double Pack

What Is It: A double pack of bbq chips.

Packaging: They come in a red and white bag. Not spectacular but gets the job done.
6 out of 10

Taste: These are my favourite of all potato chips. The BBQ flavour is very spicy but just so good. There is is no dull bites in the bag. I cannot recommend these highly enough. Try these chips.

Have you tried them yet? out of 10

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Snyder's Peanut Butter Pretzel Sandwiches

Snyder's Peanut Butter Pretzel Sandwiches

What Is It: A bag full of small pretzel sandwiches with peanut butter in the middle.

Packaging: They come in a red bag with pictures of the pretzels on it. Good enough.
7 out of 10

Taste: The first thing I'll say is that don't be deceived by this smallish looking bag. It is filled up a lot more than the average snack bag. Lots of pretzels in there. The pretzels are very flavourful with lots of peanut butter in the center of them. They also have a slight hint of honey which really helps put these snacks over the top. A great snack for most any occasion.
8 out of 10

Monday, March 21, 2016

Butterfinger Peanut Butter Cups

Butterfinger Peanut Butter Cups

What Is It: Reese cup shaped chocolate with butterfinger filling in it.

Packaging: Patented Butterfinger yellow wrap with a picture of the product on it. Good enough.
7 out of 10

Taste: These aren't as epic as real Butterfingers as I think they put a little too much chocolate in it. I would have preferred a little more Butterfinger crunch to it. It's not bad but I prefer the real thing.
4.5 out of 10

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Hot Pockets Beef Taco

Hot Pockets Beef Taco Flavour

What Is It: A traditional Hot Pocket wrap with beef taco filling.

Packaging: It comes in a red box with a picture of the product and some pepper decorations on it too. Cool enough.
8 out of 10

Taste: This wasn't terrible but it wasn't exactly epic either. It was the stereotypical mediocre frozen meal that people think of when you think frozen taco. The flavours were passable as it had a lot of beef and a fair amount of cheese too. It was just very bland. When I hear Mexican food I think of bold flavours and that was sorely lacking here. Unless you want to sample every kind of Hot Pockets take a pass.
3.5 out of 10

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Throwback Sweet Tarts

Throwback Sweet Tarts

What Is It: Regular Sweet Tarts in a retro box.

Packaging: Sweet Tarts boxes are colourful and cool looking normally and the throwback style box certainly wasn't an exception.
9 out of 10

Taste: Despite the throwback label these are regular, ordinary Sweet Tarts. That being said regular Sweet Tarts are delicious. The come in blue (tangy blueberry I think), pink  (tangy cherry), yellow (lemon), green (lime), and purple  (grape). The order I listed them is my favourite to least favourite although I like them all. Definitely great value to as this big box was only a buck. Definitely worth getting.
10 out of 10

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Burger King Flame Grilled Cheeseburger Large Onion Rings With Zesty Sauce

Burger King
Flame Grilled Cheeseburger
Large Onion Rings With Zesty Sauce

What Is It: The cheeseburger I ordered with mustard only. The onion rings like I said before came with the Zesty sauce.

Presentation: The burger came in a yellow wrapper that had the sandwich title on it. The onion rings came in a standard fry/onion rings container. Nothing too special here.
5 out of 10

Taste: I have to say that BK has my favourite buns of any fast food joint. I like the little seeds in them and they've always been fresh. The meat had the standard BK grilled char taste to it which I enjoy. That's why I generally get my burgers here with just mustard so I can enjoy that flavour  (the burgers come with the standard lettuce, onions, ketchup, pickles among other things.) I am also a big fan of their onion rings mostly because of the Zesty sauce. The onion rings on their own are slightly above average but with the Zesty sauce it really elevates them. BK gets a bad rap from a lot of people but I thoroughly enjoyed this particular meal. My only complaint is that they're a bit overpriced for what you get.
Cheeseburger: 7.5 out of 10
Onion Rings: 9 out of 10

Saturday, March 12, 2016

Snickers Blizzard

Snickers Blizzard

What Is It:  An ice cream in a cup with Snickers candy in it.

Presentation: As far as Blizzard's go there are much better looking one's than this.
4 out of 10

Taste: Eating this Blizzard is a lot like watching the evening news. You get what you came for (in this case a lot of Snickers broken up in it) but it lacks any sizzle of any kind. If you like Snickers  (and I do) than you will love this. If you're looking for big flavour and flash then you should try a different one. Middle of the road as far as Blizzard's go.
5 out of 10

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Funyuns Steakhouse Onion Flavour

Funyuns Steakhouse Onion Flavour

What Is It: A snack pattered after an onion ring. This one is said to have Steakhouse Onion flavours.

Packaging: This one comes in the traditional bright yellow Funyuns bag. Despite these being the Steakhouse Onion kind there is very little to distinguish this bag from the regular Funyuns bag. They did put a picture of a bloomin onion on there though.
4.5 out of 10

Taste: Funyuns are one of my favourite snacks so I had to try out this flavour. There is a slight difference between these and the regular Funyuns but it is minimal at best. It's got a bit of a variation in they tried to give it a flavour of the batter that would be in a 'Steakhouse Onion Ring' but you really have to be looking for it. If you like Funyuns then check these out but don't expect something revolutionary.
7 out of 10 for the taste.
3 out of 10 for holding up to the advertising.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Boar's Head Premium Imported Swiss Cheese

Boar's Head Premium Imported Swiss Cheese

What Is It: Heavily promoted name brand swiss cheese that I got at the Kroger Deli.

Packaging: It came in a traditional deli plastic baggie. Good enough.
6.5 out of 10

Taste: Boar's Head has really been promoting their brand hard lately so I figured I'd give this a shot. While the meats of theirs I've tried have been stellar this was a let down for me. I had very high expectations with the 'premium imported' label and everything. What I got was very ordinary swiss cheese. I figured I would get an extra sharp swissy flavour and lots of holes like you find in great swiss cheese. I could have gotten the cheapo store brand swiss for a ton less (I paid in the neighborhood of  $10 for a pound of this) and gotten the same product. Not terrible but not what was advertised. I'll skip the Boar's Head when it comes to my swiss cheese.
2.5 out of 10

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Sprinkled Donut Crunch

Sprinkled Donut Crunch

What Is It: A cereal by the makers of Capn Crunch that is kind of a mesh of the flavours of Capn Crunch and a sprinkled donut flavour.

Packaging: It comes in a purple box with a picture of Capn Crunch in the center of a big donut. There's also lots of the actual cereal shown as well. The back of the box has a little game based guessed it, donuts. Cool stuff.
9.5 out of 10

Taste: I'm a sucker for new/limited time products and this fits that category. There is definitely a pronounced donut flavour here or at least the frosting off of one. There is much less of a traditional Capn Crunch flavour here but the crunchiness is definitely here so I think they accomplished what they wanted here. I definitely give this a recommendation.
8.5 out of 10

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Product Review #2 Little Debbie Caramel Cookie Bars

Little Debbie Caramel Cookie Bars

What Is It: A caramel filled chocolate cookie snack.

Packaging: Little Debbie always makes cool boxes and this is no exception. Makes the bars look so appealing.
8.5 out of 10

Taste: This was a really good sweet treat. The caramel is very pronounced and honestly by the time you get through a bite it tastes like a graham cracker type thing. That's a good thing in my world and getting 8 bars for $1.99 makes me wholeheartedly recommend this.
8 out of 10

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Product Review #1 Nerds In Disguise

Nerds In Disguise

What Is It: This classic candy from Wonka was made for Valentine's Day. Nerds themselves are very small little flavoured sugar balls and these were mystery flavours here.

Packaging: I love the goofy glasses/nose disguise thing that was the main attraction to the bag and boxes. It sold the product to me.
10 out of 10

Taste: I've always been a fan of Nerds so I had to give these a try. Out of all the  boxes in the bag I only had to different flavours; dark pink which tasted like strawberry and a lighter pink that was watermelon. Now I liked these two flavours but if you're going to go to the trouble of making mystery flavours there needs to be more than two. I feel a little let down.
Taste 7 out of 10
Overall: 4.5 out of 10