Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Kroger Cottage Cheese

Kroger Cottage Cheese

What Is It: Um.....cottage cheese. 

Packaging: Eh it's a run of the mill cottage cheese container that's half white half green. They do have a cow on it so that's something I guess.

5.5 out of 10

Taste/Final Analysis: This is one of the better cottage cheeses out there. A lot of them are way too creamy which is a big no-no when it to cottage cheese for me. That is not the case here as this is nice and thick as opposed to cottage cheese soup. This is definitely my cottage cheese of choice a long with the Daisy brand. One of my favourite ways of eating cottage cheese is to mix in a little parmesan to make it kinda like a lasagna filling.  It may sound wierd to some but I like it.  As for the product like I said before I approve.

8 out of 10

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