Saturday, May 6, 2017

Stouffer's Frozen French Bread Pizza

Stouffer's Frozen French Bread Pizza

What Is It: A two pack of frozen French bread pizzas. 

Packaging: It comes in an orange box like all Stouffer's products. It has a huge picture of the product covering most of the front of the box. It gets the job done.

7 out of 10

Taste/Final Analysis: This is a pretty high quality take on a frozen pizza and certainly the best of the French Bread variety that I know of. The crust is a really nice and crispy one as long as you cook it properly. The sauce is a pretty good one although there's a bit too much on there for me. Plenty of cheese and pepperoni finish it off very nicely. Sometimes if I really want to make it extra delicious I'll add some extra mozzarella to the top of it too. High recommendation. 

9 out of 10

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