Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Philadelphia Peach Cream Cheese

Philadelphia Peach Cream Cheese

(I give full credit to my daughter; Elizabeth, who I bought this for since I don't like peaches.)

What Is It: Peach cream cheese with real peaches mixed in it.

Packaging: Has the traditional silver container that Philadelphia cream cheese always has bit with some nice peach artwork on the top and side. Looks really good.

8 out of 10

Taste/Final Analysis: This was very high quality cream cheese like you would expect from this brand. The problem was the lack of peach flavour. It's not like it wasn't there but there just wasn't a lot of it and there just weren't that many little peach pieces mixed in either. It was good cream cheese with a hint of peach flavour more than it was peach cream cheese. Not bad but not quite what was advertised either.

4.5 out of 10

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