Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Chex Mix Bold

Chex Mix Bold

What Is It: A ramped up version of theit original plan with some bold spices on it. They have pretzels, little breadstick pieces, some rye biscuits, and some of the the traditional Chex Mix pieces. All of which are covered with the bold spices. 

Packaging: You know for a "bold" product why would you use black and grey colours? I would be using like bright fluorescent "bold" colours. It's not like it looks bad but it could be so much more.

3 out of 10

Taste/Final Analysis: This is a really good effort by Chex Mix here. The bold is a really good flavour with it not being really "spicy" per say but it really adds a good zing. It works with all of the different pieces especially the original Chex Mix one. This is definitely among if not my favourite Chex Mix product to date.

8.5 out of 10

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