Sunday, May 8, 2016

Pizza Hut Meatlover's Pizza

Pizza Hut Meatlover's Pizza

What Is It: A pizza with pepperoni, sausage, ham, bacon, and probably a few other meats that I didn't notice.

Packaging: It comes in a brown and black box that has "Thank you" on it as well as the logo. Pizza looks delicious, better than the box really.
6 out of 10

Taste: This is one of my go to pizzas. Of all the meats on here the sausage and ham stand out the most. That's not a knock on the other meats it's just how good those are. Pizza Hut is good at not flooding their pizzas with sauce and it's a good sauce too. The crust is kind of middle of the road. The toppings are what makes this pizza great.
8 out of 10

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