Sunday, June 10, 2018

Chesters Flamin Hot Fries

Chesters Flamin Hot Fries

What Is It: A baked corn and potato snack with a coating of flamin hot flavour. It costs $2.

Packaging: It comes in a yellow bag with a picture of the cheetah (Chester) on top. And right in the middle it says $2 only.  Seen better seen worse.

6 out of 10

Taste/Final Analysis: This is kinda like an Andy Capps Hot Fries with the coating Flamin Hot Cheetohs. Unfortunately it kinda makes you wish you had those other snacks. This type of fry like baked snack makes me wish for the awesome coating of Andy Capps. It's not a bad snack but like I said makes me wish for more.

4.5 out of 10

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