Sunday, May 13, 2018

Tuscan Garden Salsa Ranch and Croutons

Tuscan Garden Salsa Ranch and Croutons

What Is It: The salsa ranch is kinda of a chipolte ranch type. The croutons were flavoured with honey butter and thus is very sweet.

Packaging: The label on the dressing has a picture of a salad on it which I guess made it semi appealing. The croutons just came in a mostly clear bag with black trim. Points for dressing and not the croutons here.

5 out of 10

Taste/Final Analysis: Ok the reason I'm doing these together is since I don't like salad for a snack I often buy croutons and dressing to dip them in. Yeah I know. I'm wierd. Anyway the dressing like I said before kinda tastes like chipolte ranch. Pretty good for the context I used it for and probably would work really well in like a southwest salad. The croutons were a little too sweet for my taste as I like a more garlicky or herby flavour. The dressing was good but get better croutons.

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