Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Hostess White Fudge Ding Dongs

Hostess White Fudge Ding Dongs

What Is It: Once again quoting a box "White Fudge Covered Golden Cake With Creamy Filling".

Packaging: It's a mostly white box with a big product picture in the middle and the logo really nicely put upper center. Not the most exciting box ever but not bad either.

6 out of 10

Taste/Final Analysis: Well most people know the classic chocolate Ding Dongs (Wait have I reviewed those?!) so here's a different take on that. The golden cake and cream were all present and delicious as they should be in a Ding Dong. The white fudge wasn't bad per say but I found myself missing the richness of the regular chocolate from the original. It was a decent enough snack and I probably would have liked it more if it hadn't been sold as a Ding Dong because it made me think of the original which probably was unfair to this. As it is I have to say thumbs squarely in the middle.

5 out of 10

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