Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Ritz Toasted Chips Sour Cream And Onion

Ritz Toasted Chips Sour Cream And Onion

What Is It: The title says it all.

Packaging: It comes in a red, green, and white bag with a few of the chips pictured on the front. Very attractive bag I think.

8 out of 10

Taste/Final Analysis: Well Ritz has a great reputation of great crackers and this product certainly didn't make me think any different. Great sour cream and onion flavour really give you a pleasant punch in the face (I know that statement makes no sense but thats the best way I can explain it.) They are great plain but I put a bit of cream cheese on them and that really was a magical bite. A great product for sure.

8 out of 10

Monday, May 28, 2018

Banquet Chicken Fingers And Macaroni And Cheese

Banquet Chicken Fingers And Macaroni And Cheese

What Is It: A frozen tv dinner with 3 chicken fingers and a portion of macaroni and cheese.

Packaging: As per every Banquet meal it comes in a deep red box with a picture of the product covering most of the front of it. Nothing flashy but not bad.

5.5 out of 10

Taste/Final Analysis: For a $1 meal this really impressed me. The chicken was nice and juicy and the breading had decent flavour. I had some bbq sauce in the fridge that I used for a dipping sauce. The mac and cheese wasn't the most exciting version but it wasn't terrible either. All in all a satisfying and filling meal for just a buck. A win in my book.

8 out of 10

Thursday, May 24, 2018

Lunchables Dirt Cake

Lunchables Dirt Cake

What Is It: The package contains gummy worms, chocolate covered marshmallow cream, and chocolate cookie crumbs (think Oreo).

Packaging: It looks like most Lunchables packages as it is yellow with a picture of the gummy worm like burrowing into the chocolate. Really cool.

9 out of 10

Taste/Final Analysis: Despite what this sounds like this is ridiculously good. The sourness of the gummy worms is a great contrast to the straight sweetness of the cookie crumbles and frosting. This is very messy so I'm not sure it's the best on the go thing or just bring a roll of paper towels. This a dream come true for any kid or for a junk food junkie like me. I give this an enthusiastic thumbs up.

9 out of 10

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Hostess White Fudge Ding Dongs

Hostess White Fudge Ding Dongs

What Is It: Once again quoting a box "White Fudge Covered Golden Cake With Creamy Filling".

Packaging: It's a mostly white box with a big product picture in the middle and the logo really nicely put upper center. Not the most exciting box ever but not bad either.

6 out of 10

Taste/Final Analysis: Well most people know the classic chocolate Ding Dongs (Wait have I reviewed those?!) so here's a different take on that. The golden cake and cream were all present and delicious as they should be in a Ding Dong. The white fudge wasn't bad per say but I found myself missing the richness of the regular chocolate from the original. It was a decent enough snack and I probably would have liked it more if it hadn't been sold as a Ding Dong because it made me think of the original which probably was unfair to this. As it is I have to say thumbs squarely in the middle.

5 out of 10

Viennese Sandwich Cookies

Benton's Viennese Sandwich Cookies

What Is It: As the package says "Cocoa sandwich biscuits with a milk chocolate filling."

Packaging: This was a very basic package with the white background and product picture in the middle and info on the left. Not very interesting.

3 out of 10

Taste/Final Analysis: While the package was boring the cookies were not. The cocoa flavour from the outer cookie was great but the filling was the star of this show. It was so rich and delicious and when combined with the awesome outer cookie made a great combination. You can even dunk them in milk for even more goodness. A great and inexpensive option from Aldi.

9 out of 10

Sunday, May 20, 2018

Private Selection Beef Brisket Hot Dogs

Private Selection Beef Brisket Hot Dogs

What Is It: As the name suggests these are hot dogs made with beef brisket. These are a product of Kroger.

What Is It: Looks like most packs of hot dogs with the clear package and this one with a simple black label with the product information. The fact that these look like premium looking hot dogs certainly helps too. Thumbs in the middle here.

6 out of 10

Taste/Final Analysis: These are some darn good wieners here. They have a slight smoky flavour and the quality of beef really is evident too. I boiled these in water on the stove and that worked fine but I would say these would really shine on the grill with some char. Put some ketchup, mustard, or whatever your favourite hot dog topping is throw them on a steamed bun and chow down.

9 out of 10

Thursday, May 17, 2018

Pace Picante Salsa Hot

Pace Picante Salsa Hot

What Is It: The title says it all.

Packaging: It comes in a clear glass jar so you can see the salsa and has snazzy label with a sun and pepper on it. Really attractive.

8 out of 10

Taste/Final Analysis: This is my go to salsa here. I particularly have a delicious queso dip that this is a big part of. On it's own as a product it's delicious as well. I like to just use tortilla chips and go to town. The salsa packs plenty of flavour and plenty of punch too. I'm telling this will wake you up. It's great on its own but is even better as an addition to other dishes. Great stuff.

9 out of 10


Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Fruit Gushers

Fruit Gushers

What Is It: A fruity, gummy candy with a gooey almost liquid center of the same colour of the candy (if it's a red cherry outside the middle will be red cherry also). Other colours include orange, green (apple), and blue (blueberry).

Packaging: This is a really fun looking box as it's a yellow box with all of the colours of the candies kinda splashed in the middle. Really cool.

9 out of 10

Taste/Final Analysis: This is among my favourite's of gummy candy. The outside is great as with any great gummy but the middle set's this apart. As the name suggests the middle really is a gush of almost tart flavour. The cherry and orange are my favourites as with most fruity candy but the tartness of the green apple and explosion of flavour of blueberry can't be overlooked. This is real winner in my book.

10 out of 10

Sunday, May 13, 2018

Tuscan Garden Salsa Ranch and Croutons

Tuscan Garden Salsa Ranch and Croutons

What Is It: The salsa ranch is kinda of a chipolte ranch type. The croutons were flavoured with honey butter and thus is very sweet.

Packaging: The label on the dressing has a picture of a salad on it which I guess made it semi appealing. The croutons just came in a mostly clear bag with black trim. Points for dressing and not the croutons here.

5 out of 10

Taste/Final Analysis: Ok the reason I'm doing these together is since I don't like salad for a snack I often buy croutons and dressing to dip them in. Yeah I know. I'm wierd. Anyway the dressing like I said before kinda tastes like chipolte ranch. Pretty good for the context I used it for and probably would work really well in like a southwest salad. The croutons were a little too sweet for my taste as I like a more garlicky or herby flavour. The dressing was good but get better croutons.

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Appleton Farms Pulled Pork

Appleton Farms Pulled Pork

What Is It: Refrigerated pulled pork in a big ole package. It's meant to serve 4.

Packaging: It comes in a mostly brown package with half of it with the info and half with a picture of the bbq on a sandwich. Looks cool.

7 out of 10

Taste/Final Analysis: This is kind of a sweet bbq which is good for that sort of thing. It's definitely made for a sandwich and is nice and thick. I put a slice of sharp cheddar on mine although most people prefer coleslaw. A great idea for a quick and easy dinner that also tastes great.

7 out of 10

Sunday, May 6, 2018

Tostitos Smooth And Cheesy Dip

Tostitos Smooth And Cheesy Dip

What Is It: It's a variant of a queso meant for dipping tortilla chips.

Packaging: Well it looks like a jar of cheese. A jar of cheese looks good. Thus this looks good.

It looks like a jar of cheese thus it looks good out of 10

Taste: It's kind of a bland for a queso cheese. It's not terrible by any stretch but it's not much different than like a Cheez Whiz. I think it would be best as a taco topper or burrito filling than as a direct dip. It's better as a flavour component but not necessarily as the main event. So in that wat I can recommend this.

6 out of 10


Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Snickers Peanut Butter

Snickers Peanut Butter

What Is It: A normal Snickers with peanuts and caramel covered with chocolate only this time with the addition of peanut butter.

Packaging: It comes in a gold wrapper with the logo across the front. Although it looks different than the original it's kinda boring. Meh

4 out 10

Taste/Final Analysis: This was one of those things that although it gives you everything it promises I don't think is an improvement over the original. They packed plenty of peanut butter flavour here but it's at the expense of everything that makes a Snickers bar a Snickers bar. The peanut butter covers up almost all of the caramel flavour and the peanuts get a little lost too. I love peanut butter but it hurt more than helped here.

4 out of 10