Monday, November 27, 2017

Big Russ Premium Beer Cheese Hot

Big Russ Premium Beer Cheese Hot

What Is It: A tub of hot beer cheese. Duh.

Packaging: A pretty standard looking tub with the name of the product and the state of Kentucky since it's made there. Good enough.

6 out of 10

Taste/Final Analysis: Ok other than my mom's this is by far my favourite beer cheese I've ever had. It has a great cheddar flavour but they add in a ton of beer flavour and even though I don't drink alcohol at all it is so good in this context. I like to buy a loaf of pumpernickel rye and go to town. It's one of my go to's as a snack. It's kind of pricey at 4.99 a tub but it's worth every penny. I love it.

10 out of 10

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