Saturday, November 5, 2016

Ken's Steakhouse Chunky Bleu Cheese

Ken's Steakhouse Chunky Bleu Cheese

What Is It: A bottle of bleu  cheese dressing that I bought at Kroger.

Packaging: It comes in a clear plastic bottle with a blue label. They also put a plate of chicken wings with bleu cheese dip on it to sell the idea that it's a good dipping sauce. Pretty good.

7 out of 10 

Taste / Final Analysis: This was a name brand dressing so I had high expectations for this. For something that was advertised as chunky bleu cheese this had very few big chunks in it. The flavour was proper but big chunks are my favourite part of a good bleu cheese so I was disappointed. I used this as a dip for my pork rinds and it served that purpose. Still for the price I had to pay for a premium product this fell short for me.

3 out of 10

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