Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Ranch Pringles

Ranch Pringles

What Is It: Ranch flavoured potato chips.

Packaging: Ot comes in the traditional Pringles can coloured blue green which is appropriate for ranch.

7 out of 10

Taste/ Final Analysis: This is my current favourite flavour of Pringles. Very simple and basic ranch chip yet just so delicious. I could eat these by the can. Two thumbs up.

10 out of 10

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Oscar Meier Pizza Lunchable

Oscar Meier Pizza Lunchable

What Is It: It's a little tray of food really targeted at kids. It comes with 3 crusts, a thing of sauce, mozzarella cheese, and 9 pepperonis.  It's meant to be eaten cold.

Packaging: It comes with the yellow packaging that Lunchables always come in along with a picture of the product on it. Does ok.

6 out of 10

Taste/ Final Analysis: Although this is meant to be a kids packed lunch it can definitely serve lots of other purposes. You can take it to work, for a picnic, an amusement park, or just a random snack. The crusts make a good base, the sauce is pretty decent, and they give you plenty of cheese. The pepperonis are not bad and they give you 3 for each pizza which is sufficient for small pizzas like this. Definitely worth the buck I paid for it.

7 out of 10

Friday, November 25, 2016

Skittles Original

Skittles Original

What Is It: A round, chewy, fruity candy. It comes in lemon (yellow), orange (orange duh), strawberry  (red), lime (green), and grape (purple).

Packaging: Very attractive package  (it is taste the rainbow after all) with lots of colours. Definitely draws you in.

9 out of 10

Taste/ Final Analysis: This is one of the all time classic candies. All of the flavours really delivers the flavour of the fruit that it represents. My favourite is the orange followed by the red, yellow , green, and grape in that order although that's totally personal preference. Definitely a hit for any fan of fruity candy as they probably already know.

9 out of 10

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Banquet Chicken Potpie

Banquet Chicken Potpie

What Is It: A frozen chicken potpie.

Packaging: It comes in the traditional Banquet red box with a picture of the potpie on it. Pretty basic and effective.

7 out of 10

Taste/ Final Analysis: This is one of the products from Banquet that they do the best in my opinion. Lots of decent sized pieces of chicken, as well as potatoes, carrots, and peas stuff a nice flaky crust. It's pretty tasty and definitely very filling. For a buck I can't ask for much more.

7.5 out of 10

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Mr Goodbar

Mr Goodbar

What Is It: As the wrapper says milk chocolate with peanuts made by Hershey.

Packaging: It comes in a yellow wrapper with red writing with a bit of artwork on it. Pretty basic but it works.

7 out of 10

Taste/ Final Analysis:  This is one of my favourites from Hershey. All it is is a milk chocolate bar with peanuts yet it's so delicious. The chocolate's richness is balanced nicely by the saltiness of the peanuts. Sometimes keeping it basic is the best way. Thumbs up . 

9 out of 10

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Pizza Pringles

Pizza Pringles

What Is It: Pizza flavoured potato chips.

Packaging: It comes in the traditional Pringles can coloured white with pizza art on it. Looks fine.

7 out of 10

Taste / Final Analysis: They definitely don't skimp on the pizza flavour here. Pizza goodness comes with every chip. I don't recommend eating this whole can at once as chips with this strong of flavour are best enjoyed in small doses. Otherwise you may burn yourself out on them. Not a bad effort by Pringles here although I prefer some of their other flavours more than this one.

6 out of 10

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Russell Stover Smores

Russell Stover Smores

What Is It: A deluxe smore.

Packaging: It comes in a white wrapper with a picture of of a smore on it. Good enough . 

7 out of 10

Taste/ Final Analysis: This is definitely a proper smore. A big ole graham cracker, with lots of chocolate , and finally a giant marshmallow in the center. And the best part is it only cost one dollar at Kroger. Definitely worth that.

9 out of 10

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Digiorno's Twin Rising Crust Pepperoni Pizzas

Digiorno's Twin Rising Crust Pepperoni Pizzas

What Is It: Two high end frozen pepperoni pizzas.

Packaging: Digiorno's spares no expense when it comes to their boxes. It's sold a lot of pizzas to me over the years.

9.5 out of 10

Taste / Final Analysis: As I said this is a high end frozen pizza  (or two in this case.) However I always feel like I get my money's worth with Digiorno's and this product was no exception. A nice thick crust just like the box says and they definitely didn't skimp on the pepperonis. It also wasn't flooded with sauce which happens a lot with frozen pizzas  (Tombstone I'm looking at you.) Add in a nice layer of mozzarella and you have a great pizza. I don't put it on the level of most restaurant pizza like their advertising campaign says but it definitely good. And you'll feed at least two people with one of these and there's two in the box so you'll get a lot of mileage out of this. Good stuff . 

9.5 out of 10

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Hershey's Special Dark Chocolate Bars

Hershey's Special Dark Chocolate Bars

What Is It: A standard Hershey's chocolate bar only with dark chocolate instead of milk chocolate. This was a fun size multi pack.

Packaging: It comes in the traditional Hershey brown wrapper with half of it coloured red to signify it being the dark chocolate. 

7 out of 10

Taste/ Final Analysis: This is a fantastic take on a chocolate bar. It's just no frills dark chocolate. It's not as dark as some of the more premium dark chocolate bars but for me I love the combination of bitter and sweet here. A definite winner in my book.

9 out of 10


Saturday, November 5, 2016

Ken's Steakhouse Chunky Bleu Cheese

Ken's Steakhouse Chunky Bleu Cheese

What Is It: A bottle of bleu  cheese dressing that I bought at Kroger.

Packaging: It comes in a clear plastic bottle with a blue label. They also put a plate of chicken wings with bleu cheese dip on it to sell the idea that it's a good dipping sauce. Pretty good.

7 out of 10 

Taste / Final Analysis: This was a name brand dressing so I had high expectations for this. For something that was advertised as chunky bleu cheese this had very few big chunks in it. The flavour was proper but big chunks are my favourite part of a good bleu cheese so I was disappointed. I used this as a dip for my pork rinds and it served that purpose. Still for the price I had to pay for a premium product this fell short for me.

3 out of 10

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Coke Zero Cherry

Coke Zero Cherry

What Is It: As you might have guessed it is a cherry flavoured Coke Zero . 

Packaging: It comes in a black box with red writing and a big cherry in the middle. Looks good.

Taste/ Final Analysis: This is my current favourite soda. It has a very strong cherry flavour which I love and Coke Zero is very close to what the original is so that helps too. For those of you who have to drink diet soda like me this is a great choice.

9 out of 10

Tuesday, November 1, 2016



What Is It: A peanut and caramel candy bar without the traditional chocolate covering. It's produced by Hershey . 

Packaging: It comes in a very nondescript white wrapper with peanuts trimming the edges although they aren't very obvious. 

4.5 out of 10

Taste/ Final Analysis: Well as you can see this is a very non traditional candy bar. If you like peanuts and caramel then you will probably like this. Lots of peanuts and lots caramel. I'm not sure that the lack of chocolate adds a ton to this although you do get the saltiness of the peanuts so that's a positive. There are candy bars I like more but this is pretty good for what it is.

6 out of 10