Monday, February 12, 2018

Hostess Orange Cupcakes

Hostess Orange Cupcakes

What Is It: A different take on the traditional chocolate Hostess Cupcake this one is the same creme filled cupcake only with orange cupcake.

Packaging: A pretty straightforward and attractive box with big pictures of the cupcakes on it. Gets the job done.

7 out of 10

Taste/Final Analysis: As a fan of the original Hostess cupcakes and also a fan of orange flavour this was a product I had to try. It definitely delivered in my view. A delightful orange flavour in the cake as well as the frosting finished off by the awesome cream in the center. I won't say it beats the original but it's definitely a great alternative if you're not in the mood for chocolate or you love orange (like me). Good stuff.

8 out of 10

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