Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Ortega Salsa

Ortega Salsa

What Is It: A jar of thick and chunky medium salsa.

Packaging: Eh it's a salsa jar with a pretty standard label on it. I guess there is a sun and some veggie artwork on it.

6 out of 10

Taste/Final Analysis: This was some darn good salsa. While it didn't have a ton of heat since it was a medium heat salsa they did pack it full of flavour. I used it just straight with tortilla chips but it would be ideal for a taco. I wouldn't put this on the level of Pace Salsa but it's a very worthy one.

7 out of 10

Monday, August 28, 2017

Tony's Pepperoni Pizza

Tony's Pepperoni Pizza

What Is It: A frozen pepperoni pizza.

Packaging: As all Tony's pizzas do this one comes in a yellow box with the perfect looking pizza with the stretchy cheese. Definitely looks appetizing. 

9 out of 10

Taste/Final Analysis: Tony's has some of my favourite frozen pizzas and this pepperoni variety is my top pick. The crust is top notch,  the sauce is good and not overdone,  and the pepperonis are huge and delicious. They probably could have put a touch more cheese on it but that's a minor quibble. All in all this is a delicious and reasonably inexpensive pizza.

8 out of 10

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Pringles Kickin Chicken Taco

Pringles Kickin Chicken Taco

What Is It: Semi spicy chicken taco flavoured potato chips by Pringles. 

Packaging A pretty awesome looking can here with a nice yellow colour and a food truck. There is also some nice taco artwork as well. Great effort. 

9 out of 10

Taste/Final Analysis: Well this was kind of an average flavour of Pringles. There was pretty decent taco flavour but it lacked spice which took the "Kickin" out of it. Not terrible but there's better flavours of Pringles out there. Thumbs in the middle leaning down.

4.5 out of 10


Monday, August 21, 2017

Kroger Prime Rib And Horseradish Chips

Kroger Prime Rib And Horseradish Chips

What Is It: Kroger brand wavy potato chips flavoured like steak and horseradish. 

Packaging: Better than most chip bags as the colours are unique and they have a nice picture of a steak on there. Good effort. 

8 out of 10

Taste/Final Analysis: This was a very unique potato chip. The horseradish flavour was front and center here as it dominated every bite. I don't really get any prime rib or any other steak flavour here but when you put something with horseradish it tends to get drowned out. Still a good and inexpensive chip as long as you're a fan of horseradish. 

7 out of 10

Friday, August 18, 2017

Reese's Sticks

Reese's Sticks

What Is It: Sticks with wafer, peanut butter, and encased in chocolate. 

Packaging: It's very similar to a normal Reese Cup package with a little picture of the sticks on the right side. Eh not bad but not that exciting either.

5 out of 10

Taste/Final Analysis: This is a pretty good variation on the classic Reese Cup. There is the great peanut buttery taste that you expect from a Reese Cup and then a great crunch from the wafer inside. Really good I think.

7.5 out of 10

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

3 Musketeers

3 Musketeers

What Is It: A chocolate wrapped fluffy nougat type of candy bar.

Packaging: It comes in a silver wrapper with 3 Musketeers written across the front. Nothing spectacular but not bad.

5.5 out of 10

Taste/Final Analysis: This is a really delicious candy bar. It's kinda similar to a Milky Way but innards are totally different. The nougat is totally on point here. Such great texture and delicious flavour. I personally like to freeze them for maximum flavour. Great candy bar.

9 out of 10

Saturday, August 12, 2017

Pop Tarts Orange Crush and A&W Root Beer flavours

Pop Tarts Orange Crush and A&W Root Beer flavours

What Is It: A couple of the new flavours of Pop Tarts based on soda pops. One the was Orange Crush and the other being A&W Root Beer.

Packaging: They both have their respective colours with the orange box for the Crush and brown for the root beer. They also have big pictures of the tarts on the front of the box. Not bad. 

6 out of 10

Taste/Final Analysis: Well they both are very representative of the flavours they were going for. The root beer had a great frosting for some sweetness and then the root beer flavoured filling to finish it off. The Orange Crush was a little overwhelming with the orange flavour. They put it both in the frosting and the really really strong filling. It wasn't terrible but you better really LOVE orange flavour. I definitely pick the root beer out of these two.

Root Beer: 9 out of 10

Orange Crush: 4.5 out of 10

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Lorissa's Kitchen Korean Bbq Beef Jerky

Lorissa"s Kitchen Korean Bbq Beef Jerky

What Is It: Traditional jerky with korean bbq flavour. 

Packaging: A white package with a picture of the product is on the front. Not very imaginative. 

4 out of 10

Taste/Final Analysis: This was a very unique take on beef jerky. It had great texture and the right amount of chewiness that a good jerky has. It's basically a traditional bbq flavour as it didn't have the unique zing that Korean bbq typically has. It was more of a sweet bbq flavour which while good did not remind me of Korean bbq. Had better had worse.

5 out of 10

Sunday, August 6, 2017

Little Debbie Cherry Cordials

Little Debbie Cherry Cordials

What Is It: A snack cake with a chocolate coating, yellow cake, and a cherry filling. 

Packaging: It comes in a nice deep red box to go with the cherry in this cake. A large picture of the product is on the front along with a couple of big cherries. Looks good I think. 

8 out of 10

Taste/Final Analysis: This was a really delicious snack cake. The chocolate was a great start, then comes the nice,  moist yellow cake and is then finished off with a spectacular cherry. Absolutely phenomenal. 

9 out of 10

Thursday, August 3, 2017

Kernel Seasons Popcorn Flavours

Kernel Seasons Popcorn Flavours

What Is It: These are powders that you sprinkle on top of your popcorn. Flavours I got were nacho cheese, garlic parmesan,  and ranch.

Packaging: I love the packaging for this. They have all of the appropriate colours for the appropriate flavours which is good. My favourite part is the adorable happy kernel on there. Seriously how can you say no to a face that happy? Great effort here.

9 out of 10

Taste/Final Analysis: These were three really solid efforts here. I used the same type of popcorn for each one which was Kroger Butter Popcorn. I figured butter would go with all of the flavours. The nacho cheese was exactly what you would expect from a nacho cheese flavour. Nothing spectacular but proper cheese flavour. The same could be said for the ranch although be warned this is a very strong ranch flavour. The most unique one and my personal favourite was the garlic parmesan. It had a good hint of garlic followed by the explosion of parmesan that was really perfect for popcorn. All in all 3 superb flavours to choose from.

8.5 out of 10