Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Gardetto's Snack Mix

Gardetto's Snack Mix

What Is It: A snack mix with rye biscuits, pretzels, and little breadstick things. All are similarly flavored with a tangy, salty sort of spices. 

Packaging: It comes in a decent enough looking bag with some red colours in the shape of a ribbon. Pictures of the product are on the bottom half. Looks good.

7 out of 10

Taste/Final Analysis: This is my favourite version of this sort of snack. The rye biscuits the most famous of the types of things in here (I've seem them sold just by themselves.) They have the obvious rye flavour that you would expect coated with the spices that cover all of the contents of the bag. The pretzels are my personal favourite thing in the bag as the flavours of the spices really shine with the saltiness of the pretzel. The breadsticks are ok but nothing special. But the other two components more than justify buying a bag of this.

7 out of 10

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