Monday, March 13, 2017

Tic Tacs Mixers Cherry And Cola

Tic Tacs Mixers Cherry And Cola 

What Is It: As you might have guessed it's cherry and cola flavoured Tic Tacs. 

Packaging: They come in the trademark little Tic Tac tiny box coloured red this time for the cherry involved here. Looks good enough. 

7 out of 10

Taste/ Final Analysis: I've been a fan of Ric Tacs for a long time. Of all the great flavours they've had this is my favourite. The combination of cola and cherry is just totally epic here. Seriously I would never get tired of eating these. Unfortunately I've had a very difficult time finding these in my area (I got this pack in Pennsylvania). But if you can find these eat these. Or give them to me to eat.

10 out of 10

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