Thursday, August 18, 2016

Throwback Sprees

Throwback Sprees

What Is It: A hardish candy(you can chew through it right away but I don't recommend it for the sake of your teeth) that comes in red (cherry), yellow ( lemon), green ( lime), purple  ( grape), and orange (duh). 

Packaging: It comes in a purple box with a lot of cool designs on it. I don't remember it from back in the day but we'll go with it. Awesome looking box anyway.

9 out of 10

Taste/ Final Analysis: This is another classic candy that I get on a regular basis. The flavours are all accurate to what they represent with the red being my favourite (as usual) folled by orange, yellow, green and then purple in that order. Despite my preferences though there really isn't a bad flavour here. Just resist the temptation to bite into it right away because it will tear up your teeth and besides why rush a good thing?

9 out of 10

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