Thursday, December 29, 2016

Hershey's Kisses Original

Hershey's Kisses Original

What Is It: A classiccandy by Hershey's that is a little chocolate in the shape of a bell. This is a smaller bag that I got at Dollar Tree. 

Packaging: A Hershey brown bag with some Kisses artwork on it. Good enough. 

6 out of 10

Taste/ Final Analysis: This is one of those classic products that have stood the test of time and will continue to do so. It's a simple small bite of pure milk chocolate. So basic yet so hard to beat. There is a boatload of other flavours many of which I'll review going forward but the original definitely holds its own. I like them when people use them on top of cookies too.

9 out of 10

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Lance Captain's Wafer's Bold Buffalo Ranch

Lance Captain's Wafers Bold Buffalo Ranch

What Is It: Buffalo Ranch flavoured sandwich snack crackers. 

Packaging: Pretty basic box but it does have a little bitof chicken wing and ranch artwork on it so it gets the job done. 

7 out of 10

Taste/ Final Analysis: This is is definitely not your ordinary snack cracker. These have lots of Buffalo wing taste to them which is good. Despite the fact they're Buffalo flavour there's not really any spuce to speak of here although wing fans will still be satisfied with the taste here. There's also not really much ranch flavour here either which is a bummer considering it was in the title. Still all in all a fairly decent snack.

6 out of 10

Saturday, December 24, 2016

Simply Nature Raspberry Lemonade Fruit Twist

Simply Nature Raspberry Lemonade Fruit Twist

What Is It: As the name would suggest a fruit flavoured twist snack.

Packaging: Pretty basic box with a big picture of the product on there. Good enough.

6 out of 10

Taste/ Final Analysis: Well the first thingI noticed was they were very heavy on the raspberry flavour and very light on the lemonade. I'd say it's probably about 80/20 raspberry to lemonade flavour. I'd taste a little bit of lemonade here and there but not much. It wasn't the worst thing in the world but there's a lot better variations of fruit twists than this. Recommendation to avoid unless you're addicted to raspberry flavour. 

3 out of 10

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Starburst Original

Starburst Original 

What Is It: A chewy fruit candy. The originalscome in cherry, lemon, orange, and strawberry.

Packaging: It comes in a yellow box with lots of fancy artwork on it. Definitely enticing. 

9 out of 10

Taste/ Final Analysis: This is one of the best fruity candies you can get. All of the flavours are really pronounced and delicious. The cherry as usual is my favourite followed by orange, lemon ,and finally strawberry. Even though I have my preferences there's not a bad flavour in the box. Definitely a classic candy.

9.5 out of 10

Monday, December 19, 2016

Price's Pimento Cheese Spread And Psst Saltine Crackers

Price's Pimento Cheese Spread And Psst  Saltine Crackers

What Is It: As you would expect it's pimento cheese spread and crackers. Not much else to say. 

Packaging: Rhe pimento cheese comes in a nice plastic container that has some nice colours on it. The crackers come in a white box with some cracker pictures on it. Both look good.

7 out of 10

Taste/ Final Analysis: I'll start with the crackers. There is very little difference between brands of saltine crackers nor is there much to say about them. They are saltine crackers and always provide a good canvas for whatever you put on it. In this case I used some semi high end pimento cheese. This is honestly my favourite brand of pimento cheese. It's very thick with nice big chunks of cheese yet spreads nice on a cracker. The flavour is spot on too. A little sweetness there but a nice sharp bite to balance it out. Like I said it's good on crackers or spread on bread. Thumbs up.

Psst Saltine Crackers: They're freaking saltine crackers out of 10

Price's Pimento Cheese Spread: 9 out of 10

Saturday, December 17, 2016

Gatorade Citrus Cooler

Gatorade Citrus Cooler

What Is It: A citrus flavoured sports drink.

Packaging: The traditional Gatorade shaped clear bottle with the yellow coloured drink in there. Pretty good. 

6 out of 10

Taste/ Final Analysis: This wasn't a bad effort but not one of more memorable flavours either. It was a decent take on a lemon lime drink. Not like a make you pucker lemon but just a nice, sweet, citrus flavour. Not the most exciting flavour by Gatorade but a safe choice.

6 out of 10

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Kit Kat

Kit Kat

What Is It: A chocolate covered crisp wafer.

Packaging: It comes in the traditional Kit Kat reddish orange with a little Kit Kat artwork on it. Looks pretty good. 

7 out of 10

Taste/ Final Analysis: This is a fantastic take on chocolate candy. The richness of the chocolate combined with the crispness and natural flavour of the wafer make for a delicious bite every time. An awesome candy for sure.

9.5 out of 10

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Tootsie Pops

Tootsie Pops

What Is It: A lollipop with Tootsie Roll filling. This small bag has cherry, chocolate, and grape flavours.

Packaging: These come in an unassuming orange bag with the word "Pops" written on it. Pretty average.

5 out of 10

Taste/ Final Analysis: These are among my favourite lollipops. I especially like the cherry ones with a very pronounced cherry flavour. The chocolate and grape are not bad and about what you'd expect. I'm really missing the orange flavoured one as it's my second favourite Tootsie Pop but wasn't included in this bag. No matter what colour you get you have the awesome Tootsie Roll middle to look forward to. Just don't bite these early for the sake of your teeth.

8 out of 10

Saturday, December 10, 2016

Cheez It White Cheddar

Cheez It White Cheddar

What Is It: A white cheddar flavoured snack cracker.

Packaging: It comes in a red box like most Cheez It products with a picture of the crackers on the front. Not bad.

6.5 out of 10

Taste/ Final Analysis: This is one of the better flavours by Cheez It. The white cheddar flavour is front and center here which is tremendous to go along with the normal flavour of a Cheez-It. Definitely a worthy snack if not a salty one.

7 out of 10

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Benton's Chocolate Chip Cookies

Benton's Chocolate Chip Cookies

What Is It: Crunchy chocolate chip cookies that I got at Aldi.

Packaging: Definitely a very attractive package with the deep blue colour and chocolate chip cookie pictures everywhere. You definitely know what you're buying here.

9 out of 10

Taste/ Final Analysis: For an off brand item these cookies were delicious. Aldi is usually pretty good at delivering though. The cookies have a great crunchy texture and tons of chocolate chips in each cookie. These are the perfect cookies to dunk into a glass of milk. A great, inexpensive find at Aldi.

9 out of 10